The post below was written during the negotiations leading up to the March, 2010, passage of the Affordable Care Act. Passage of the proposed legislation,…
The Birth and Failure of “Obamacare”
Posted in Health Care, and Politics
Commentary on the Facets of Life, Usually Based on Personal Experience, Data, and Logic.
Posted in Health Care, and Politics
The post below was written during the negotiations leading up to the March, 2010, passage of the Affordable Care Act. Passage of the proposed legislation,…
Here begins some introduction to the original post, updated now because it looks like higher marginal income tax rates are once again on the federal…
Posted in Taxes
In April this year the US Commerce Department reported that before-tax corporate profits in 2013 totaled $2.1T and that corporate tax revenues totaled $419B. That…
Posted in Business, and Government
One of the things I remember about grammar school days (1950’s) was how good a slice of white bread smeared with butter tasted in the…
Note: This is an update of an older post from my Blog. The thing that reminded me of it was Mrs. Clintons “nouning” of the…
Posted in Taxes
In December 2015 The State editor Cindi Ross Scoppe published an editorial boosting the idea of a significant increase in the South Carolina tax on…
Posted in Civil War, Government, Libertarianism, and Politics
I’m thinking of the libertarian political philosophy in connection with Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson’s failure to respond quickly and appropriately to a question about…
I am enjoying America’s Forgotten History, Part II, by Mark David Ledbetter. It is self published and available on Amazon Kindle for $1.50. Of course…
Posted in Culture and Diversity, National Defense, and Travel
A news item about Switzerland denying citizenship to two Muslim girls who refused to take school-required swimming lessons because there would be boys in the…
Posted in Books, Climate, Government, and Poverty
When I started reading The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan, I did a quick search on “Dust Bowl” for a little background information on the subject…