First Published in 2010 in Earlier Permanent Fixes Blog on Blogger. In the fall of 1963, Sigma Chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity at Vanderbilt University…
Permanent Fixes Posts
Government Financial Data
Posted in Economics, and Government
My source for data on federal, state, and local government spending is almost always the Bureau of Economic Affairs National Income and Product Accounts. I…
Helping the Poor and Everybody Else
Posted in Deficits, and Government
The post below was published in 2010. The examples are a bit out of date, and the links don’t work, and I was wrong about…
Pistol Creek Days
Posted in Deficits, Government, and Politicians
Originally Posted November, 2009. Examples outdated, links may not work, but system unchanged. When I was growing up in Maryville, TN, I spent a lot…
Imagine a simple rural farming community in which the people provide for their own and each other’s needs, trading among themselves and helping each other,…
This is just an experiment, posting screen shots of a post in my abandoned Google Permanentfixes Blog. I have been slowly deleting or updating and…
Media typically reported enthusiastically about “creation” of 228,000 new jobs in November of 2017. For Example: Could we have a little context? I checked the…