The Issue A fundamental problem facing the United States of America is that our federal government is irresponsibly spending about ten trillion dollars per year…
Category: Government
Vital Signs
Posted in Economics, Government, and National Debt
Having been facing some medical issues for the past couple of years, I am very familiar with the declaration, “I’m going to check your vitals.”…
Posted in Crime, Education, Government, Homelessness, Marriage and Family, and Responsibility
Calls to “defund” police departments sound unreasonable, but I understand some are saying that they don’t really want to remove all funding and shut down…
Created Equal
Posted in Government, and History
Here is a laughable headline on a Philip Bump October 6 Washington Post opinion piece: Senators representing less than half the U.S. are about to…
I Liked and Like Ike
Posted in Books, and Government
Published first a few years ago in an earlier blog. Dwight David (Ike) Eisenhower was the president of my youth, age 10 to 18 approximately,…
Erik Larson’s In the Garden of Beasts
Posted in Books, Freedom, and Government
(First published 4/29/2012) US Ambassador to Germany was not exactly a plum position in 1933, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt had to get to his…
This was originally posted May 20, 2013 under a different title in response to the worshipful attitude many citizens seemed to have toward President Obama.…
Government Financial Data
Posted in Economics, and Government
My source for data on federal, state, and local government spending is almost always the Bureau of Economic Affairs National Income and Product Accounts. I…
Helping the Poor and Everybody Else
Posted in Deficits, and Government
The post below was published in 2010. The examples are a bit out of date, and the links don’t work, and I was wrong about…