The currently trendy demonization of capitalism and profits and the misperception that “non-profits” are somehow better or more virtuous than for-profit enterprises are unfortunate. Greed…
Author: skepticalobserver
Measuring Unemployment
Posted in Jobs
Here are three simple true/false questions about employment in the USA. Unemployment is down 40% since February 2009 when President Obama entered office. A person…
I Could Have Been a Lobbyist
Posted in Government, and Politics
There is an interesting article in The State newspaper today about lobbying activity in and around the SC State House. I know the sizes of the…
Job Growth – New Low Predicted
Posted in Economics, Government, and Jobs
Both sides of the political fence like to pick and choose data points to prove either that the jobs recovery during the Obama administration is…
You Didn’t Create That Job!
Posted in Government, and Jobs
A NYT lead editorial, The Myth of Job Creation, published during the 2012 presidential campaigns, tried to make the case that both Governor Romney and President Obama erred…
Permanentfixes on Facebook
Posted in Uncategorized
If you are a Facebook user, please check out the Permanent Fixes Facebook Page.
Originally published 11/24/2009 – Figures updated to 2015 Now I get it. I couldn’t figure out why so many seem to favor government health insurance…
At Least One Fatal Flaw (In the ACA)
Posted in Health Insurance, and Politics
The post below was originally published November 16, 2013. Given the number of insurance companies currently ceasing to participate in the ACA, it is interesting…
Republican Party, RIP
Posted in Government, and Politics
Since the founding of the nation, the fundamental political issue has always been size and influence of the Federal Government and the extent to which…