This is an interesting hot news item of the day, just one example of the coverage in the clip above, about President Trump’s musings on…
Author: skepticalobserver
Why So Quiet?
Posted in Politics
I see there are very few new posts on this blog since the November election of Donald Trump. And this in spite of the fact…
Public Option – Creeping Coverage – POCC
Posted in Health Care, and Health Insurance
(With apologies to blog post subscribers because I mistakenly “Published” a work in progress that had some old data.) It is very difficult to get…
It can make a person feel really old to find that a common word of his youth is now classified as archaic. That is what…
I didn’t vote for Donald Trump for POTUS (or for Hillary Clinton), but I understand exactly why so many did and why he won the…
Skeptical of Government?
Posted in Government, and Investing
The December 4th Charleston SC Post and Courier included a rather lengthy story, by David Slade (Facebook), describing mismanagement of state employee pension funds over…
Syria Following US Example?
Posted in Civil War
The news from Aleppo makes me wonder how different our own history might have been if Lincoln had just said to the six deep south…
I seldom agree with Leonard Pitts, but today he has a good suggestion. He is very upset about the election of Donald Trump and lists…
Obamacare Replacement Act
Posted in Health Care, Health Insurance, and Medical Care
The “Repeal and Replace” mantra has become a joke since we have not seen any reasonable, easily understood, proposal for the replacement, let alone any…
Power Shift Needed
Posted in Uncategorized
Reading all the doomsday rhetoric on the web today about our president elect gives me hope that we all can unite now in demanding that…