Two or three weeks ago I saw on Facebook one of those irritating little “Quotes in a Box” attributed to USA President Calvin Coolidge. I…
Author: skepticalobserver
Reduced Deficits = Increased Debt
Posted in Deficits, and National Debt
The simple truth expressed in the title equation is lost in the shuffle of the posturing under way in Washington DC, in particular President Obama’s…
Dr. Oscar Livingstone Simpson, contemporary of my parents, practiced medicine in East Tennessee, mostly Maryville, from the 1950’s to the 1990’s, and he wrote a book…
Living in an Imperfect World
Posted in National Defense
An updated 5/21/2011 post. In a perfect world, there wouldn’t be any need for government spending on either national defense or social benefits. Nations would…
There is plenty of evidence that the rich are getting richer but not as much that the poor are getting poorer. The annual Forbes Magazine…
I have clear memories of economics lectures from my paternal grandfather in the 1950’s and 1960’s about what would be the result of what he…
In famously Red South Carolina, voting only 44% for President Obama in 2012, I live in Richland County, home of the University of South Carolina…