Over almost 52 years of marriage, my wife and I have rented eight and purchased eight residences. So we have considerable experience with both renting…
Buy a House to Make a Home
Posted in Government, Inflation, and Investing
Commentary on the Facets of Life, Usually Based on Personal Experience, Data, and Logic.
Posted in Government, Inflation, and Investing
Over almost 52 years of marriage, my wife and I have rented eight and purchased eight residences. So we have considerable experience with both renting…
Posted in Government, and Management
I thought of the Rolling Stones song in connection with my probably developing reputation as a permanent malcontent, never happy with the way things are,…
“Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried.” – G. K. Chesterton What made me think of…
Gun regulation has crowded fiscal and economic difficulties out of the news, at least for a while, and has prompted a look at the data…
Posted in Government, Management, and Politicians
Originally Posted 8/25/2012 – Additional Introduction Added 8/7/2016) Below is a post I did during the last presidential campaign explaining why I supported Mr. Romney…
It seems to me that if estates are to be taxed, there should be some consideration for the number of heirs involved. A parent should…
Posted in Deficits, Government, National Debt, and Taxes
Worrying about how we fund federal spending, I noticed that in 1960, federal excise tax revenue funded 11.6% of federal spending, but, in 2015, it…
I’m so far out of touch that I didn’t even realize sociologists had abandoned the idea of The United States as a “melting pot,” most…
Posted in Culture and Diversity, and Terrorism
(The difficulties have not improved since I wrote this six years ago.) I recall a conversation with my Japanese assistant during my early 1990’s Tokyo…